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UX Audit
Instant Business Impact

Unlock the full potential of your product with our comprehensive UX Audits.

Our team of experts conduct a thorough analysis of your website, app or product, incorporating real user feedback. From design to functionality to strategy, our UX Audits ensure that your product meets the needs and expectations of all your potential users.

Take the first step towards a better, more user-friendly product.

Kollaboration im Team

With a UX Audit, you can evaluate the user experience of your product, no matter if it is an idea on a napkin, a prototype, or an existing product. It contains expert feedback, the analysis of quantitative data, user feedback from usability tests, and an analysis of the competition.

Together we start with a kick-off workshop. Our experts then analyze and evaluate your product using the methods suitable for your current challenge. We wrap up the project by presenting and discussing the outcomes and future steps.

At the end of a UX Audit, we provide quick fixes which you can immediately incorporate into your product, a long-term strategy, and a comprehensive documentation which you can share within your company. A first step towards more user-centricity and a successful user experience.

Popular Packages

Concrete UX improvement strategies

For teams that need quick, expert feedback on their product.

Produktdetails für Concrete UX improvement strategies

Project Kickoff

1-hour Kickoff Call

Expert Review

1 Use Case

User Research
Data analysis (Qualitative & Quantitative)
Competitor Analysis
Future Outlook

1.5-hour Call

Research Results Presentation
UX Strategy
Action Steps

Initial Recommendations

Project Documentation

Improve data-driven decision-making

For teams looking to improve their product by combining expert UI/UX design reviews with real user feedback.

Produktdetails für Improve data-driven decision-making

Project Kickoff

2-hour Discovery Workshop

Expert Review

2 Use Cases

User Research

5 User Interviews (50 minutes each)

Data analysis (Qualitative & Quantitative)
Competitor Analysis
Future Outlook

1.5-hour Call

Research Results Presentation
UX Strategy
Action Steps

Joint development of concrete action steps in a Future Outlook Call 

Project Documentation

Stand out from your competition

For teams looking to drive product success using a data-driven UX strategy and action-steps roadmap.

Produktdetails für Stand out from your competition

Project Kickoff

2-hour Discovery Workshop

Expert Review

3 Use Cases

User Research

6 User Interviews (50 minutes each)

Data analysis (Qualitative & Quantitative)

Analysis of existing qualitative and quantitative data

Competitor Analysis

3-4 Competitors

Future Outlook

3-hour Workshop

Research Results Presentation
UX Strategy
Action Steps

Roadmap development including action steps for strategic further development in a Future Outlook Workshop

Project Documentation

These packages are just some combinations we’ve found work best for a variety of teams, but every project is different and requires its own solution.

Let’s start a conversation to figure out exactly what works for you.


See our methods in practice. Key Benefits

  • Concrete UX improvement strategies

    Explore and define user centered strategies that create concrete improvements in your product and business cases.

  • Improve data-driven decision-making

    Collect real user data and customer feedback, to drive decision-making at product and strategic levels based on data.

  • Stand out from your competition

    Distinguish your product by identifying user needs and creating compelling product experiences.

  • Maximize your resources

    Find what is most meaningful or pressing for your users to direct your time and energy to the most impactful issues.

UX Design researchers analyze a mobile app.

Are you unsure how your product will be received by your customers? Is your product team facing design or strategic decisions?

As an experienced UX agency, we know the possibility of instant impact when UX Audits are used to incorporate a user-centered design philosophy – regardless of the UX knowledge at the company.

Tell us about your product!
